There is a limit to what a single person, or single talent, can accomplish. Let’s say that a single talent represents a dot. By connecting multiple dots to form a line, grouping multiple lines to form a surface, and linking multiple surfaces to form space, the creation of completely new contents comes about.
In order to give “life” to talent , an environment is needed that gives an assemblage of people with diverse kinds of ability, be they researchers, artists or craftsmen, the ability to fully manifest their talent.
What is even more important is that there are “devices” in place that enable that talent to be communicated to the world.
As an organization that provides forums for manifesting talent through the assets it possesses in the form of “human networks,” Brain Communications is capable of such three-dimensional production activities.
Our first and foremost ideal and mission is that the projects that we produce alongside a multitude of talent stimulate the sensibilities of people, and bring about more and more people who enjoy their lifestyle and life and spend time with purpose.
KS Bldg. 7th Floor, 4-5,Koujimachi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
TEL 03-3288-6981 /FAX 03-3288-7307
Takashi Sato (Representative Director, Furutachi Project Inc.)
Ichiro Furutachi (Celebrity)
Shigeyuki Ito (Representative Director, TiesBrick Inc./General Producer, “A.L.E. 14”)
Tomoji Tanaka (Director, Shueisha International Inc.)
Mitsuru Umemoto (Representative Director, Brain Communications)